Transform Your Life Workbook

My Beliefs About Money and How I Handle It
Do You Have Lack or Prosperity Consciousness?

from Transform Your Life Instantly Workbook, Adele Tartaglia, 2005

This is the first of three worksheets on About Money. Anytime we handle prosperity issues, we must also include all associated areas of your life that overlap with your current financial situation. Areas that wire together, fire together. Whether you deserve to have money is hard wired to money beliefs in your brain. So when you think about money matters, whether constructively or destructively, the wiring for deservedness also fires. Your self worth barometer is intricately involved with your ability to manifest money on a consistent basis, and to your ability to or not to make good use of money when you do attract it and create it.

The information obtained in any worksheet is an indicator of how you got in your current position regarding the subject in question. It reveals underlying causes, triggers, and programs which can be examined for benefit or for blocking value. Those which are blocking by deflecting money away from you need to be deleted and rescripted with beliefs that attract money to you if you are to change your current position regarding money.

If we discover beliefs like guilt over being wealthy for instance, that may show up as an inability to be paid for your worth, an inability to handle money wisely, a subliminal willingness to let others take your money away from you, shame based language and behavior patterns that secret your financial position, etc.

Your beliefs, both conscious ones and subconscious ones are the energy, literally the frequencies of your brain waves, that are being sent out to the universe and either creating havoc or peace, prosperity or poverty, love or rejection, health or illness, and on and on for every aspect of your life.

Money, or the lack thereof, is a major cause of disagreement, depression, loss of self worth and hopelessness. It should not be because you are not your bank account, your job, your house, or your ability to support yourself. However, in our society almost everything including the worth of a person is based on his financial position.


This exercise will help you discover what kind of beliefs you have about money and prosperity. In doing this work, caregiver or extended family member can be substituted for ‘Mother’ or ‘Father.’ Socialization inculcates numerous mass conscious beliefs along the way also. That is considered an ‘Outside source.

Often family messages are mixed with mother having a lack consciousness and father have a prosperity consciousness. This can be confusing to a child, land them in the middle of both beliefs…sometimes you feel lack and sometimes you feel prosperous with the resulting outpicturing of those beliefs. And sometimes a child just models after one or the other parent.

Your response’ is how you felt and what you believed or didn’t believe of their messages compared to what you observed.

You are born the decision maker and the creator of your reality. Your capacity to decide how to live your life doesn’t begin when you reach adulthood but by twenty, your decision making faculty, the frontal lobes, are in tact and you are more prone to make intelligent choices. [Until around that age you may have to hold some of your decisions in abeyance until you are on your own.] 

As a child, programmable as you were, you did make judgments and decisions about what you observed and experienced. You either believed what was said regardless of conflicting behavior and circumstances, or you didn’t. If you didn’t, or if you observed that the belief expressed by mom was playing out exactly as per her belief, “We can’t afford that,” and you went without all the time, you might have rebelled against this modeling and created a personal conviction that when you grew up you would be able to afford anything you wanted.

We form personal convictions based on commitments to ourself when we are children. Sometimes we forget they are in place as programs and they cause us problems later in life until we remove or rescript them. These promises to ourselves are based on the conclusions we come to watching those around us. Some of these conclusions are false or just do not serve us in life. Those are the ones we are trying to discover here so we can delete them so they stop blocking our forward movement toward our goals.

So ‘Your Response’ can be: confused, didn’t believe it, mine too [meaning you modeled it], rebelled [refused to accept it,] made me feel guilty, made me a snob, has been a problem for me all my life, etc.

Here’s an example:

1. List the earliest words or messages you remember about money.

Mother:  We can’t afford it
Father:  You can have whatever you want.
Outside source:
Benefit___  Blocking__x_
Your response: Confused, felt guilty if I spent money but also enjoyed spending it while I was doing it.  


Always respond with the first thing that comes to mind. That is usually your unconscious belief.

1. List the earliest words or messages you remember about money.

Outside source:
Your response:

2. List the earliest modeling you saw about money.
Outside source:
Your response:

3. What was the family pattern you observed about the handling of money?

Outside source:
Your response:

4. Was there any shame attached to having money or the lack of money?

5. Were you ever told it was rude to discuss or ask for money?

6. Were you given an allowance or did you have to work for any money you were given?

7. Were you encouraged to save or invest on a regular basis?

8. Were you encouraged to share your money for a worthy cause?

9. Were you advised to spend your money wisely and not foolishly?

10. How do you feel about money today?

11. What are the underlying beliefs and thoughts that cause my feelings?

12. In particular, examine the beliefs that cause any feelings you have of fear, upset, safety, security, abundance,
lack, pride, disgrace, or shame regarding money.

This exercise has shown you the way your family handled money and their attitudes about their abundance or about their lack of prosperity. You can easily see how their attitudes made you feel as an impressionable child and the beliefs you formed as a result of dispositions and feelings surrounding the issue of money in your household.

Once you explore the ramifications of these beliefs you are now aware of, you can decide which ones you want to keep that are in alignment with your monetary goals. The ones you want to discard or delete that are negatively influencing the flow of money you are receiving, can be replaced with beliefs that will create an abundant flow of money into your life.  You are now ready to use Deletion and Rescripting Protocols to accomplish this task.


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