Classes at the Life Management Center & Local Venues
Monthly at the Life Management Center:
Avatar Self EmpowermentClasses, Adele Tartaglia, Avatar Master-Wizard
Take Control of Your Life…Permanently!
“I am no longer fooled by my own thoughts or emotions.”
“My discoveries have exceeded my expectations. I am more prepared to handle any life situation.”
“Avatar is the most efficacious technology for personal transformation I’ve seen. It’s on the cutting edge of personal development.”
“I haven’t got enough strong words to express my joy, my happiness and my huge gratitude. My troubles have vanished as if my magic!”
Weekly at the Life Management Center:
Wednesdays 7-9 PM & Local Venues
Stop Sabotaging Your Life
Based on Stop Sabotaging Your Life, A. Tartaglia
October 5th 7-9 Vision Quest Book Store, Scottsdale
Hidden Beliefs & Programs are keeping you from getting what you want out of life. Learn Why This Is Happening to You Again.
Do you find yourself in the same relationship but with different partners?
No matter what you do, is there never enough money, time, or love?
Share your major life events and find out what underlying beliefs created them….and What Else Those Beliefs Will Create For You!
Locate and delete damaging hidden beliefs in the subconscious mind that are creating your life.
Get instant relief from traumas, pain, and anxiety
Understanding Your Mind 2 Understand Your Life
Unity of SW Church Wednesdays 7-9
When you understand the way the dual mind of man works, you will be able to take control of your life and live deliberately.
Nature and nurture are influencing cell receptors and your life. How to re-pattern your DNA.
The endless feedback loop between the emotions and the body.
The difference between personality, neuro net, and the cerebellum, the subconscious mind.
Why unconscious programming is controlling your life.
Why affirmations and denials don’t work until you remove the original programs.
Transform Your Life Instantly With Mental Erasers. Understanding Your Mind 2 Understand Your Life tells you why your keep having the same relationship with different partners, why there’s never enough money no matter what you do, why every job ends up the same, and reasons for other repetitive life patterns.
The Eternal Journey Of The Soul
Life Management Center, Regional Unity Churches
Past life mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual residues are this life’s patterns and addictions.
The effect of enutero gestational adaptations, and past life traumatic events on this life’s personality, fears, phobias, neurosis’s, and experiences.
Discovering Who You Are: Resurfacing the Mind: Avatar Section I A Transformational Weekend; Monthly Classes
Resurfacing the Mind: Avatar Section I is available on tape. Email to order. Life Management Center, Local Churches, Private Homes, World Wide
Discover Who You Really Are. One with All That Is
Life Management Center, Regional Unity Churches
30 techniques for exploring consciousness
Life Alignment: Make your time count.
Learn a practical philosophy for enjoying life instead of making it hard.
Learn to quiet, control, and focus the mind.
Exercises to ease difficult experiences.
Release and control attention and awareness.
Personal Honesty as an effective healing tool.
Lack of compassion leads to separation, judgment, and resentment.
Your experiences are shaped by your beliefs not your experiences.
The proper use of Will.
Discover the operating beliefs that are running your life.
Find your transparent beliefs that are sabotaging your life.
Atonement – At-one-ment exercise – harmonize the body, mind, spirit and release negative judgments, experiences, and beliefs.
Why Is This Happening To Me Again?
Life Management Center, Regional Unity Churches
Repetitive behaviors and life patterns in the major areas of life: relationship, money, success, security, body image and health.
Life Alignment & Goal Setting
Life Management Center, Regional Unity Churches
What is the right goal and life mission for you.
Is your life and your daily actions out of alignment with your goals?
The right way to set goals for successful accomplishment.
Prosperity Versus Lack Consciousness
Life Management Center, Regional Unity Churches
Religion Versus Spirituality
Life Management Center, Regional Unity Churches
Truth Principles
Life Management Center, Regional Unity Churches
The Grail Heresy
Regional Unity Churches
From the Unity Ministerial Pilgrimage to France
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