Another Viewpoint of the Subconscious mind
For the sake of simplicity, I’ll use the term “subconscious” mind to refer to that function of the mind which takes care of all the processes that are occurring out of conscious awareness.
Other terms used in hypnosis to refer to this function are the “unconscious”, and sometimes “other-than-conscious”. Most hypnotherapist’s skip the term “superconscious”, either out of choice or because they are not quite familiar with it. On the other hand, some hypnotherapists use the term “subconscious” when referring both to the functions of the “subconscious” and “superconscious” at least to some extent.
In strictest terms, “subconscious mind” is that function of the mind that stores individual’s past experiences, learnings, memories, emotions, and beliefs. In spiritual jargon the term used to refer to the subconscious is “soul.” And you may be familiar with the saying “As a man thinks in his heart,” which also refers to “soul” or the “subconscious” because the subconscious is the place where the emotions are stored. This should also give you a clue that one way to access the subconscious mind is through emotions.
The “superconscious mind” refers to the universal storehouse of knowledge from which the individual can draw as much information as his “subconscious mind” allows to filter through. The filters, the guardians at the gate of the subconscious, are the individually held beliefs in the subconscious mind.
As I have mentioned earlier, the ideas become impressed upon the subconscious mind through your emotions. The more intense are the emotions associated with the idea, [or the trauma] the deeper this idea [or trauma] becomes imprinted upon the subconscious. In the extreme situations, this leads to so called “one trial learnings” usually under the influence of shock – one significant experience which becomes deeply impressed upon the subconscious. An example of one trial learning is a person who gets bitten by a snake where this experience becomes deeply embedded.
Another way to impress ideas upon the subconscious mind is through repetition. That’s the way we develop habits. Through repetition the behavior becomes habitual and unconscious.
The more intense emotions accompany your ideas, the less repetitions it takes to impress the ideas in your subconscious mind. If you’re working with affirmations, they will not yield much results unless they are accompanied by emotions and they match the beliefs that are already in your subconscious.
[However with new Deletion Protocols, there is no need to use affirmations since we are removing the old data and prior trauma first. The rescript works immediately with one session.]
Generally to change “beliefs” what is required is more information. Yet, even for this new information to become permanent, you need to have a new experience that validates this information. [This is also no longer the case due to the Protocols used at the Life Management Center.]
When you have two conflicting beliefs, the one that will win is the one that is more deeply impressed upon your subconscious. When you’re attempting to uproot the beliefs that don’t serve you any longer, sometimes it’s helpful to bring them out in the open (into your conscious awareness), to examine them and to invalidate them, before you work on installing new beliefs that are more useful to you.
[Using the Cognitive Deletion Protocol there is no need for one conflicting belief to be invalidated first, it is simply deleted from cellular memory leaving the positive belief to manifest the desired outcome.]
The subconscious mind communicates through symbolic language. Symbolic images, music, metaphors – all work very well with the subconscious. You’ll find a lot of symbolic imagery communicated from your subconscious in the dreams you dream while you sleep. Dreaming is very important as it provides an outlet for the release of inner tensions, and for processing of information you imprinted upon the subconscious during the day. You can learn a lot from your dreams, not by consulting some “dream dictionary” but by bringing the contents of your dreams into your conscious awareness. If you don’t get the message you can have an imaginary dialogue with the characters in your dreams and simply by asking your mind to clarify the content for you. You’re bound to emerge from this contemplation with some insights.
[I use a series of exercises and procedures that bring the content of the subscious mind to the surface so it can be dealt with and resolved.]
[There are many traditional methods of feeding new information to the subscious mind which it is not necessary to list here since they are now obsolete. Using various protocols accompanied by theta brain waves and heart rhythms, deleting old programs, behaviors, beliefs, and traumas and creating new supporting ones has become easy and quickly accomplished.
When impressing the ideas upon the subconscious, you may find it even easier if you listen to music – music that either helps you to remain in a relaxed state or music that helps you to elicit the desired feeling.
The subconscious mind is global (holistic) in nature. One characteristic of this is timelessness – there is only NOW. To successfully imprint ideas upon the subconscious you must experience them as if they are happening NOW. The only time when you can truly experience the feelings and the sensations in your body is in the present moment . You may have an approximate recollection of how something happened in the past , but if you really follow that feeling to experience it to its full intensity (in your whole body), you’ll discover that you have spontaneously regressed and are re-living the past – the experience from the past has become a NOW experience. You may anticipate how something will happen in the future but in order to fully get into that experience (with your whole body), you’ll find yourself progressed in the future moment.
Another characteristic of this global aspect is that your subconscious mind does not differentiate between what you perceive as happening only in your mind (as imagined) and what you perceive as being outside of you (as real) – for your subconscious, it’s all the same. For your subconscious the “reality” is determined by your feelings.
Your subconscious mind also does not differentiate between how you perceive yourself and how you perceive others. For example, your judgment which may go along the lines that “you are good ” and that “the person out there is bad” is simply that “if you were to do what that other person is doing, you’d consider yourself to be bad”. Another aspect of this is that you may feel upset with another person yet your subconscious registers this upset as if it were “with yourself” and activates the release of appropriate poisonous chemicals into your own bloodstream. Ultimately thinking lovely and beautiful thoughts for others has nothing to do with wanting to act saintly, it has everything to do with “self-love” and taking care of yourself.
On the positive side, if you wanted to impress some quality upon your subconscious mind that you’d like to experience in your own life, contemplating this quality in others to the point of identifying with it, works just as well as if you were contemplating it for yourself. So if you focus on prosperity and abundance in general, contemplating the wealth in the universe, you’ll open yourself to these blessings.
Unknown Author with My Edits
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