Immediate Relief for PTSD and Trauma

Immediate Relief for PTSD and Trauma

PBS Comments Adele Tartaglia [with additional notes included here] 

INTERVIEWS with Ernie Manouse 


Regarding Mr. Manouse’s questioning about why Mr. Burrough’s writing career helped his alcoholism, here is a cursory observation about his process and some insights about a new modality, Restructuring Regression.

It appears Mr. Burrough’s need for alcohol may have ceased with his deeply personal and honest recounting of his life traumas to facilitate his recounting of his life story. When he started writing using the techniques himself of deliberately reliving, retelling and re-examining his fears, sadness, pain, and the devastation of his highly dysfunctional childhood, he purged himself.

Particularly since part of his process was to go back and texture his work several times prior to publication thus affording him repetitive opportunities to deal with, reframe, and reanalyze how he developed into the adult he was, and in the process to experience other view points from his own hindsight. He retained and used some of the reframes given him in therapy in the process. I certainly applaud his tenacity and courage to stick with these processes.

Reframing life events, past or current, is most effective and permanent after deleting or erasing the event or flattening the emotion attached to it which is the precipitator of the subconscious triggering. Replacing the event deleted, while still in the Theta brain wave state, a life enhancing, personally empowering Rescript about the future is delivered as a newly Restructured program for the subconscious Auto Pilot to automatically move toward instead of the old debilitating trauma, pain, and fear that it was formerly encoded to reproduce.

A change in the quality of the person’s life takes place with no effort on their part since the unconscious mind is controlling your life and once reprogrammed will deliver to you enhanced positive experiences, more happiness, and less fear which results in greater success in every area of your life you have done restructuring on.

To paraphrase him, he attributes the fact that he never struggled with alcoholism since the fourth day of writing, to the intensity with which he writes, his level of absorption in the process, compensating as in…the writing stepped in….made him less obsessive…did something that changed him.

He expressed an interest in seeing an image of his brain after writing began which would be fascinating when compared to the before image since he made it sound like there was a radical change that I believe would be reflected in an image.

Once your subconscious mind has had traumas erased and replaced everything changes in the body mind system. Attitudinal Shifts from subliminal reprogramming change your brain waves, biochemistry, cellular memory, nervous system, DNA, and biology. 

Beliefs, emotions, and behaviors change automatically. This is the end of Repetitive Life Patterns because you have deleted the causal factor, the program triggering the event over and over. After Restructuring Regression takes place you are a materially different person because you no longer are haunted by old memories, fears, and nightmares so you are free to move on with your life even if you’ve been trapped in the old scenario’s repetitious grip on your psyche for years.

The most wonderful thing about my practice is seeing people walk in burdened, fearful, anxiety ridden, and unsuccessful at changing their lives, and leave lighter, stronger, self- confident, hopeful and in charge of their lives knowing there are easy processes they can learn to change the content of their pre-programmed subconscious minds.

Because Restructuring Regression appears to work on various  kinds of PTSD and trauma including victims of war, childhood abuse, and adult maltreatment after one session the client feels enormous optimism and encouragement about their future.

In dealing with addictions as Mr. Burroughs was, any kind of self-medication has some element of trying to escape, to numb the feelings, depress the central nervous system so thinking and remembering are stymied in order to cover-up the real fears and feelings with an artificial state of euphoria that comes from being psychologically unconscious.

Contrarily, the relief from stopping the process of constantly replaying and reliving what is perceived to be horrible, painful, terrifying and even guilt ridden events of your life cannot be underestimated. Impulse control becomes infinitely easier to re-establish as a regular behavior pattern as your handling of past events has been cognitively and emotionally altered or Restructured in the theta state which is the only true access to reformatting the subconscious mind.

Addictions can be dealt with successfully with this process of ascertaining the triggers and underlying reasons and beliefs for the self medication, removing them and their psychological payoffs, and replacing them with healthy productive life giving behaviors that are the polar opposite of the programs that were erased during the Rescript. This makes even addictions due to intergenerational modeling and blood chemistry measurably simpler to handle. 

By erasing and replacing the traumatic impact, i.e., flattening the emotional charge
associated with the incident that triggers the memory and re-experiencing of the event, the need for external anaesthetizing substances can be removed. By replacing the hither to debilitating behavioral triggers with positive productive ones, the person’s beliefs about themselves and life inevitably changes.

Pouring his feelings into his writing, was a way of draining away the emotions that were imprinted on his brain at the time he experienced each event thus in effect ridding himself of their triggering effect with their removal. He didn’t get into how much re-imprinting and re-traumatizing his review and reliving of his life took place but it wasn’t easy for him. 

Continual repetition and re-experiencing is a process heavily relied on in traditional therapy but it is a very hard and painful way to attain the desired state of being free of the problem at hand. Restructuring Regression alleviates any re-imprinting or re-traumatizing effects through the methodology used in the protocols which are structured in such a way as to make the process as painless and easy as possible for the few minutes that it takes to review the issue before the deletion process takes place. With a few suggestions prior to the beginning of the session, most of the time there is no triggering, i.e. suffering, at all.

Adele Tartaglia, CPRT, NLP, CHT,  Developer of Restructuring Regression Therapy

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