Restructuring Therapy within Regression Therapy for Addictions
In the Life Management Center, I use Ericksonian Clinical Hypnotherapy. I use my Cognitive and Emotional Deletion Protocols, Forgiveness and Releasement Protocols, Identity Deletions, Repetitive Life Pattern Deletions, Reframes and Rescripts in this process.
Addictions include sex addiction, religious addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, hoarding addiction, food addiction, shopping addiction, abuse addictions, addiction to cosmetic surgery, pathological lying, etc. Just about anything that you feel compulsive about doing that is out of your control can become an addiction for you.
Use of hypnotherapy to shut down the critical conscious mind that often blocks the location and deletion of causal factors in addictions is highly effective in working with the addictive personality. This is particularly valuable since addiction is a disease of denial, fantasy and fabrication. Using regression therapy as an adjunct allows the subconscious mind to travel back or to concurrent lifetimes and determine the original lifetime in which the premise of addiction, self medicating, or coping through numbing out one way or another was originated. Additionally the series of events, stresses, and traumas can be discovered, forgiven, deleted, and rescripted freeing the person from the repetitive life pattern of addiction in the current lifetime.
Depth Hypnosis is a therapeutic practice based on ancient spiritual healing modalities combined with Hypnotherapy and Transpersonal Psychology. Used within the regression session, it allows the mind to travel outside and beyond the time space continuum to other incarnations in order to explore the workings of the mind and heart while the soul was in other physical manifestations. Often just reviewing these lives does the healing work. Sometimes other protocols are used.
The identity factor is a major issue to address and delete when dealing with addictions. By deleting the addictive identity both in past lives and in the current life, there is no further triggering of desires for the substance, hence abuse ceases without the pains taking trial and error efforts that addictive personalities frequently suffer from. Relapse can become a thing of the past.
When using clinical hypnotherapy to delete the addictive identity, therapy must include all aspects of that particular identity.
Some of these particulars include, but are not limited to:
Lying to protect the source, hide from authorities illegal possession or trafficking;
Pretending, denial that you have a problem;
Projection as in denial and projection, blame, fault finding, and living in the past which necessarily means pretending that it is someone else’s fault you are addicted, [you made me hit you, you drove me to drink, I have a bad childhood that’s why I use] any excuse to let yourself off the hook.
Irresponsible, refusal to take personal responsibility for your life.
Disempowered, believing you are too weak to handle life without a crutch.
Compulsivity, lack of impulse control
Unconscious, unaware of their words or actions, poor memory
Anti-social, living an isolated life away from society, seclusion,
Impatient, need for instant gratification, childishness, immature
Unrealistic expectations
Arrogant, belief that you are special, different, gifted, deviant
Lack of endorphins, the need for the rush of excitement
Depressed and anxious
Angry, hostile, filled with unresolved issues
Unrealistic, the tendency to frame life inaccurately, idealization of life experiences thus setting up constant disappointment
Selfish, self indulgent, put their own perceived needs or wants above what is good for their family
Self obsessed, narcissistic
Self sabotaging, consciously or unconsciously
Inferior complex, undeserving, belief that he deserves to suffer, doesn’t deserve to have a roof over his head, a good partner etc.
Negative self talk, I deserve punishment, the belief that you are bad or have done bad things and deserve bad things to happen to you.
Self hatred
Imaginary, care should be taken to establish if the addict is using any of the above traits as excuses, pretenses, or reasons or if they in fact do believe they are inferior and undeserving for instance.
Every addict is different so their personalities will be different and not all addicts have every one of these traits. Careful Intake sessions are necessary to avoid projecting onto the client traits that he does not possess or randomly generalizing about him.
Isolating the client’s behaviors that are sabotaging him and undermining his efforts to live a normal clean life, and treating only those is essential. You never want to implant a belief about an addicted behavior or the behavior itself that he has not presented in his past.
Once established, each of the traits and behaviors is completely amenable to deletion, rescripting, and reframes. Within one to two sessions, work begins using deletion protocols to start removing complexes that are not working for the client.
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