IARRT Annual International Conference 2008


IARRT Annual International Conference 2008

Saturday Speakers, May 31, 2008

Adele Tartaglia, Bd. Cert. Therapist

Past Life Traumas, Beliefs and Programs are Today’s Life Patterns, Addictions, and Illnesses!

Adele Tartaglia, Regression Therapist, Ph.D. candidate teaches “Past Life Traumas, Beliefs and Programs are Today’s Life Patterns, Addictions, and Illnesses!” Based on her new book, Transform Your Life Instantly, she explains how you can have the love, happiness and success you desire by aligning the multi-leveled mind through forgiveness and releasement.Subconscious programs, many from the other lifetimes, are creating your life, not the intentions of your conscious mind. 90% of your attracting energy comes from the subconscious and 75% of that is negative.

Learn tools used in her Life Management Center to make change easy and stop repetitive life patterns, suffering and victimhood. Delete family enegrams, socialization, and limiting indoctrination from cellular memory. Spontaneous healing follows automatically by removing and reframing past life traumas. As a New Thought Minister, Avatar Master, radio show host, and Facilitator of Self Empowerment courses, she teaches how to make your mind work for you instead of against you so you attract what you want effortlessly. She is writing a book called Soul Talk: How to Rescript Your Karmic Contracts.

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