Upcoming Events Spring 2010
Girls Night Out, The Win Online and Adele Tartaglia Present Provocative Lectures, Networking, and Chocolate for an Ladies Evening of fun with Renee’ Morgan Brooks and Paula Fellingham. September 17th
The Imagine Peace Gathering: An Evening of Unity Consciousness with Panache Desai. The opening day of the 2010 Phoenix Celebrate Your Life Conference with Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Don Miguel Ruiz, Greg Bradden and James Van Praagh. Presented by Tony Arnold, Adele Tartaglia, KC Miller, Constance Bennett, et al.
Transform Your Life Instantly: Mental Erasers the Law of Attraction Work For You Instead of Against You, 2005. Order the 2nd edition ebook Now at a discount at books2changeyou@q.com.
The Transform Your Life Workbook with exercises to locate hidden programs & tools to change your life is coming soon.
Make Your Mind Work 4 You Workshops are being expanded and will resume in a few months.
In the interim, I will conduct teleconferencing workshops and trainings for therapists and life coaches.
November 4th IMAGINE 2010 takes place!