Hypnotherapy: A Valuable Tool for Self-Empowerment & Personal Growth
Using Restructuring Therapy: Theta Healing in Consciousness (c)
The application of hypnotherapy is based solely on the relationship between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, having no power to reason, accepts and acts upon any fact or suggestion given to it by the conscious mind.
By using the Restructuring Protocols within the framework of a Theta Healing in Consciousness session, combined with Ericksonian hypnotherapy, both removal, erasing, and replacing, installment of new programs about personal worth and deservedness can take place. Through suggested alignment between the levels of consciousness, integration by the subconscious begins during the session and throughout the following sleep periods.
The number one issue therapists of all kinds deal with to relieve personal pain, enhance the life of their clients, and improve their chances for success, peace, and functionality in life is to deal with unworthiness, self hatred, undeseredness, guilt, shame, self sabotage which all stem from the Unworthiness Identity.
The ability today using Restructuring Therapy to reformat the negative programs installed during the imprint stage of childhood and indeed, delete and create new programs from past lives incarnations concerning personal deservedness cannot be overestimated!
Cognitive, emotional, behavioral and identity modification tools provide immediate relief for lack of self confidence, self esteem, and self love. By deleting the programs upon which the unworthiness identity is based, and installing their restructured opposite polarities, the subconscious mind does the work for you as it drives you toward fulfillment of your new goals to be totally self confident, completely self fulfilled, successful, happy, and empowered as you deliver your gifts to the world.
As long as there has been human beings, there has been hypnotherapy. Freud and Jung used it. Milton Erickson perfected the trance therapy technique. We use this commonly occurring, and natural state of mind, unknowingly, all the time. It is just natural for us. For example, if you have ever watched a television program or a movie and became really absorbed into the program, you were probably in a trance.
Advertisers understand this. They use television programs to induce a hypnotic trance and then provide you hypnotic suggestions, called commercials!
Everyone has already experienced hypnotherapy, by accident or intentionally. Another common example of this naturally occurring state of mind is when you are driving down the road, with your mind focused on some other task (a day dream perhaps), and next thing you know, you have passed your next turn.
So now you know you can be hypnotized. You have done it literally thousands of times. You did it yourself when you were daydreaming and missed that turn, you have been hypnotized when you enjoyed a television program, and you have followed hypnotic and posthypnotic suggestions when you preferred some brand name that you saw repeatedly on television.
There are five components necessary to induce hypnotherapy.
• Motivation – You must want to be Hypnotized
• Relaxation – Hypnotherapy is a state of deep relaxation.
• Concentration – You will use your ability to concentrate.
• Imagination – You will use your vivid imagination.
• Suggestion – You will hear and respond to suggestions.
The hypnotic state is an optimum state for making changes in your life. During hypnotherapy you can set aside limiting beliefs that may have been preventing you from moving toward a more healthy and happier you.
In order for you to understand how hypnotherapy works, it is very important for you to understand the relationship between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind.
The conscious mind, which accounts for 10% of our mind, is working right now as you are reading this. It is that part of you that is aware of what is going on right now. Choices and decisions are made by the conscious mind. The conscious mind is logical and analytical and it is where we spend most of our time. It basically performs four functions.
1. The conscious mind analyzes and it a problem-solver by evaluating whatever concern, situation or issue has its attention
2. The conscious mind makes decisions that we often think are automatic, but in reality, engage a part of our conscious mind.
3. The conscious mind exercises what we call will power. Will Power seldom lasts, does it? You mean well, but conscious intent fails and the old behavior reoccurs.
4. The conscious mind also is the place of working memory. It is the memory we use every day to function.
Where we all live, however, is in the level below this level of awareness, the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind accounts for the other 90%. Conscious decisions are influenced by the data stored in our subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind, which accounts for 90% of our mind, can be compared to a computer in that it stores the data for all the experiences we have ever had. It is the subconscious mind that is attracting and creating events and people to us.
It is your auto-pilot. It will follow any direction toward any goal given it. The recovery and healing occurs because in trance, the subconscious mind can be given new directions toward which to move, such as health, success, happiness with the accompanying new goals. It will accomplish these goals without any effort on your part.
One of the most important functions of the subconscious mind is that it automatically controls our bodily functions; breathing, heart beating, eyes blinking, the immune system and organs, muscles, bones and tissues from the cellular level to its inter-relatedness as a whole body functioning.
The subconscious mind is creative, intuitive, irrational, and emotional. It is not cognitive and does not analyze. It accepts and records everything around it.
Being irrational can work for you or against you. Because it’s illogical it can make you into anything you want to be, i.e., rich, famous, slender, happy. It can also keep you stuck in negative behavior. It contains your values, your core beliefs about your self, every thought you have ever had, every word that has ever been said to you, every experience you have ever had.
Just like a computer operates only on it’s programming, so does your subconscious mind. Also like a computer, your subconscious mind can be reprogrammed.
We are constantly reprogramming our subconscious mind through our experiences and self-talk. If our internal dialogue is saying we are fat, a smoker, a success, a failure; then that is what we become.
This programming has been placed in there from many sources and it must operate on this programming.
Nobody can ever be hypnotized against their will and people can still reject any suggestion if it is not appropriate.
It is estimated that 80% of people of all age groups will respond to clinical hypnotherapy which can be used for medical purposes as and the resoling of many problems.
Hypnotherapy is completely natural and safe and there are no harmful side effects.
Many people who seek therapy are not going through a crisis but are looking for a way to get to know themselves better, to understand their relationships better or to get more out of life. For lots of people this can be an exciting and rewarding experience.
Bypassing the “Critical Factor.” There is a part of the Conscious Mind called the critical factor. It’s kind of like a guard at the gate between the Conscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind. It has the power to accept or reject suggestions from entering the Subconscious Mind. It has very good intentions. Its job is to protect us. Because change is viewed as a threat to our nervous system, any suggestion that does not match the existing programming automatically gets rejected. That is how it accomplishes its goal of protecting us.
The only way a real change can take place is to get the new programming into our subconscious mind.
One way to get to the subconscious mind and bypass the critical factor is through our memories, habits, and emotions.
• Memories are only created through experience and you may need many positive experiences to diminish the effects the negative experience. This could take a long time to create.
• Habits require willpower and time in order to become habits.
• Emotions either happen randomly or require changing the way you think about a situation and that can be enormously difficult to do and also takes time. Our feelings are extremely important and extremely powerful for getting messages into the subconscious mind since that is where emotions are stored.
There is another, much easier way bypass the critical factor, and that is through hypnotherapy. Through the induction of relaxation, the critical factor goes to sleep for awhile. The Conscious Mind stays awake, and can still make decisions. But now you’re in control while your subconscious is receptive to any suggestion that your conscious mind wants to let in.
Since everyone has experienced light levels of hypnotherapy at different times, don’t be surprised if you don’t feel hypnotized. All that is required to be hypnotized is a motivation to be hypnotized, concentration, imagination, relaxation, and the willingness to respond to suggestion. There are ways to check for the depth level of hypnotherapy, usually in a one-on-one session.
During hypnotherapy, you will remain conscious of your surroundings. Some of the sensations you may experience are:
• Tingling in your fingertips or limbs
• A sense of numbness or limb distortion
• A sense of being light and floating away from your body
• A sense of profound peace and calmness
• Many clients want to stay in the state of relaxation since it may be one of the few times they are able to fully relax
• A heavy feeling like you are sinking
• A sense of energy moving through your body
• Feelings of emotions
• Fluttering eyelids
• An increase or decrease in salvation.
When you notice that you are noticing these sensations, do not become alarmed or you may shock yourself right out of your trance. Just expect the trance to occur gradually and it will. Suggestions stay with some individuals indefinitely, others need reinforcement. The effects of hypnotherapy are cumulative: The more the techniques are practiced and posthypnotic suggestions are brought into play, the more permanent the results become.
In order for hypnotherapy to be most effective, here are some suggestions: Always go to a licensed trained professional. On the morning of the session, do not eat or drink anything with caffeine in it. Take care of any thing you have to do before the session begins so it will not be on your mind. Experience hypnotherapy in a pleasant and relaxing environment. Sitting in an uncomfortable position or needing to go to the bathroom or being thirsty can become distracting. Make sure you are absolutely comfortable. It is best to sit in a comfortable chair; a recliner would be ideal. Lying down, while comfortable, is not advisable, especially if you tend to fall asleep easily. However, if this is the best choice for you and you can do it without falling asleep, than go right ahead.
Wear comfortable clothing. Many people like to remove their shoes. Keep the room temperature comfortable, not too cold or too warm. You may want to keep a blanket nearby in case you get too cold.
If there are other people around who could disturb you, let them know what you are doing and that you require some quiet time.
And finally believe in yourself. Whatever you believe will happen, will happen. If you believe you can’t be hypnotized, then you won’t be. If you believe you can, then you can have an absolutely wonderful experience.
If you are planning to utilize a journal to record your experiences with hypnotherapy, keep it nearby so you can record your experience once you come out of your trance.
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